Sharpen your skills with expert advice curated by leaders in your field. Start by selecting industry-specific interests to build your feed, and stay a step ahead by visiting your homepage often.
How do I select interests?
The very first time you log in to Steppingblocks we'll ask you to select one or more interests from the options you see here. We'll curate content based on what you'd like to learn. Each time you log in, expect fresh articles, infographics and video hand-picked just for you.
How do I find and view content?
Your content feed lives on your homepage inside the platform, which you can get to from the menu on the left after logging in. Browse your feed by scrolling or start a search using keywords like, "resume tips" or "interview advice."
Click the tile to view the content right inside the app. To view the original publication, find "Visit Site," and you'll be redirected to that page in a new tab.
How do I update my content feed?
Update your interests at any time to leverage new content and outpace the competition in any industry. Navigate to your feed and click "Update Interests" located above the search bar on the right. Select one or more to rebuild your feed.
We'd love your feedback on the content feed. Send your thoughts to [email protected].