As you roll out Steppingblocks on your campus, our Partner Success Team will be there to support you. We have scheduled check-ins at 2 weeks and 4-6 weeks to ensure that you are utilizing the platform to its fullest potential. We also offer ongoing support, including co-facilitating training calls and providing resources. Your campus should develop an internal plan to implement the platform(s) and identify a point of contact for each unit using the platform. By the end of the first semester with your teams and the support of Steppingblocks, you should build a collation of units, develop clear use case examples, and leverage the resources and campus implementation tools we share with your campus.
We recognize that every campus is a unique partner, and we are committed to being there with you every step of the way to ensure your rollout aligns with your specific missions and goals.
To read a few examples of how our partner institutions have rolled out Steppingblocks on their campuses, check out the following articles: