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How Steppingblocks Can Help!
Amanda Kallach avatar
Written by Amanda Kallach
Updated over a week ago

How We Can Help


Interactive Training Sessions

For individuals, units, teams or offices across campus

Set up a training for either Digital Career Counselor, Graduate Insights or both for anyone on campus who will be utilizing the tools!

In these trainings Steppingblocks will cover:

  • Overview of the data

  • A full demo/training of the platform(s)

  • Best Practices

  • Use Cases

  • Q&A

These training sessions can either be general sessions, or tailored to a specific use case/unit.

SteppingExpert Consulting Session

For individuals, units, teams or offices across campus

Have your campus’ Partner Success Associate sit in on internal meetings to offer insights, best practices, or answer any questions that may come up.

We will lend our expertise to support your initiatives, goals, or planning processes, and more!

Creating Materials

For any faculty/staff member using Steppingblocks

Have Steppingblocks create materials for your campus. These materials can be…

  • Data Snapshot One-Pagers

  • Promotional Videos/Content

  • Email templates

  • How to Videos/Content

  • Guides

  • Resource Hubs

  • And many more!

Have an idea on materials you may need, let us know, we are happy to collaborate!

Lead Check-In Meetings

Set up a short 30 minute check in meeting with your campus’ Partner Success Associate to…

  • Ask any questions you may have

  • Discuss upcoming plans or initiatives

  • Discuss usage, and opportunities for expansion

Answering Questions

From any Steppingblocks user

Have questions come up as you are using the platform? Reach out to your campus’ Partner Success Associate with any questions or thoughts via email, and they will get back to you!

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