Welcome to the Graduate Insights Help Center! There are many articles and videos in this series to give you a general overview of the platform and how you can use it. Normally the best way to get familiar with the platform is to begin running some basic searches and see how the filters work and the dashboard updates.
If you want to go in and start filtering, please do! Below you’ll find some examples of common searches. You can also read through the help center articles for how we filter data and use the dashboard.
Some common searches using the platform are:
Use Graduate Outcomes to filter for just Business Majors. Then redo the search to show business majors that graduated in the past 5 years. Compare the skill sets of each dataset.
Use Graduate Outcomes to check who your top employers are and which ones are trending up or down.
Use Graduate Explorer to filter for all people that work in human resources for any industry. Click over to the Graduate Data tab to see where you can download this list of people to email for an upcoming job fair.
Interested in other use cases for our platform? Checkout our blog.
Steppingblocks is a data and analytics engine that provides workforce and educational outcome insights on over a 150+ million people in the U.S. Learn more about our data here.