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Adoption Plan

Best practices and suggestions on creating an adoption and rollout plan for your university

Brian Waldron avatar
Written by Brian Waldron
Updated over 11 months ago

Once you have been provided access to the platform, how will you rollout the tools to others? Creating an adoption plan before the platform is handed over can be quite helpful when coming up with a schedule for access, training, and scaling usage.

Some things to think about when creating an adoption plan:

  • What do you want to use the data for?

  • Who will get access to the platform and data? Specifically which units around campus

  • How quickly do you want to give access to other units?

  • What resources will be available to accomplish this?

What can the data be used for?

Hopefully you have an idea already for how you’ll use the data, but we have many additional use cases from partners on how they are using it. We also find different units on campus use it differently and our partners are always thinking of new and interesting uses for the data and platform. Let us know if you’d like to talk more about how to create uses that will best help you and others at your institution.

What additional units might want access?

We have found our platforms to be helpful for the following units across campus:


Graduate Insights

(Staff/Admin Platform)

Digital Career Counselor (Student Platform)

Institutional Research



Career Services






Advancement/Alumni Relations



Marketing/Enrollment Management



Senior Leadership






*Here are some examples of how the different units across campus can use the platform.

When telling others about the platform, these are great articles to share so they can get an idea of what the platform does.

How quickly are other units ready to access the platforms?

There are no license restrictions with our platform, so you can invite as many staff as you’d like to Graduate Insights and the SSO functionality allows unlimited students to access Digital Career Counselor. Usually, the two limiting factors for use are training and access. You can read more about how to give access here.

Graduate Insights - Our platforms hold billions of datapoints which is something not everyone has experience navigating. We suggest that all Graduate Insight users participate in a training to help them understand the nuances of graduate outcomes data at this level. Steppingblocks is happy to conduct / record one for your campus. IR, IT, or others at your institution might also have training available on using data. In addition to data focused training, we recommend a Steppingblocks specific training for anyone that will access the platform. This could be done by a Steppingblocks partner success team member, be a pre-recorded demo, or be from someone on campus that knows the platform well.

Your adoption plan can help you plan for access distribution. When will people get access? Will you roll it out all at once or unit by unit? What’s the best time of year or semester for the unit to be trained and have access? Getting input from the unit on when they’d like to access the platform can be helpful.

When it’s time to give access, someone with an admin account can go in and grant access to those without it. This will result in the invitee getting an invitation email and then being able to login with email and password.

Digital Career Counselor - The student platform is designed for students, but we have found most partners also encourage faculty, advisors, and others to login. Since access is through SSO anyone with a unique email address at your institution can use it. Staff should follow a similar pattern to Graduate Insights in that training and understanding is important. For students, it’s also all about understanding and access. They need to understand what they can use the platform for and then be able to find it and access it when they want to.

Our partners have found success using the following methods for helping students understand what they can use the platform for:

  • Include Digital Career Counselor usage in a first-year course, capstone, or orientation.

  • Recommend anyone changing majors or struggling to choose a major try the platform.

  • Add a Digital Career Counselor assignment into academic courses.

  • Suggest using it with anyone in the job search or interview stage of their university experience.

  • Involve Digital Career Counselor in advising sessions, including Career and Academic Advising.

  • Train individuals on campus that work directly with students on the merits and abilities of Digital Career Counselor. These include faculty and student facing advisors.

SSO allows students to login quickly and easily, but locating the link can be another hurdle for students. We’ve found the most successful universities include the Digital Career Counselor link in various places on their website including resources for Career Services, Student Success, and Academic Advising. Other successful methods include:

  • Creating a resource hub on your website that provides resources and the platform URL.

  • Flyers around campus with a QR code.

  • Embedding it in syllabi and course materials (especially for those classes that will reference it).

  • Include the link in monthly/quarterly/weekly newsletters or student communication at strategic times throughout the year.

What available resources does your university have to roll out the platform?

Here are some questions and suggestions around thinking through available resources:

  • Can other people on campus be given admin access? We often see that giving one person per unit using the platform admin access results in fewer bottlenecks around granting access.

  • Are there big data training resources available? These can be helpful when giving access to new staff if they haven’t used similar data platforms in the past.

  • Is there a MarCom department or group that can assist with messaging to students? This would include initial outreach to share information and the link to Digital Career Counselor.

  • Who adds links to the websites? Almost all our partners have a link to Digital Career Counselor on the university webpage. This could be a resources hub, the career center website, or something else.

  • Are there rules and regulations around accessing student level data and/or outreach directly to alumni? We find most partners want some understanding of when it is appropriate to reach out to alumni for anyone with access to the names and email addresses found in the Graduate Insights dashboard.

Summary Section:

  • Identify the units on campus that should get access to the platform and what level of access should they get

  • Either set training dates and invite these units OR reach out to ask if they want access and set up training dates

  • Work with Steppingblocks to confirm times for trainings, if you want Steppingblocks staff to join

  • Training occurs and access is given right away. Share resources as well, including partner use cases and the Data FAQ.

Example Adoption Plan Tracking Doc

Steppingblocks Handoff/Access Date: 1/31/2023

Point of Contact

Initial Outreach about Steppingblocks

Confirmed they want access

Training/Access Date

Platform to be Covered

Career Services





Institutional Research





Alumni Relations




Graduate Insights

Enrollment Management


Yes, but waiting



Academic Deans







Digital Career Counselor

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